For your 2% you get another play in English………………deal? 🙂
Don´t let your 2% go to the state. It can help us to create another play from our line of adaptations of Slovak classics – Tea at the Senator´s by Ivan Stodola. It will premiere on 2nd June 2016 under the title – Just Another Cup of Tea.
2% means more than you think!
By donating 2% from your taxes to Bridgin´Drama you support teachers and students of English, tourism in our capital and you also help to preserve and spread Slovak culture and traditions.
How to donate 2% to the theatre in English?
If you are self-employed and are doing your own tax return (type B) or an employee (type A) fill in these entries:
Business name: the Bridge
IČO: 42208483
Legal form: Občianske združenie
Address: Ladice 330, 95177 Ladice
If you are employed, download the form with the entries already completed.
Fill in your details and enclose verification of the tax payment (which your employer completes) and send both forms to your tax office.
For more information click
Ďakujeme! Thank you! 🙂